The Future of Sustainable Systems

Sustainable architecture is the practice of designing and creating buildings that reduce negative environmental impact by prioritizing efficient construction processes, energy systems, and promoting natural elements in living spaces. While sustainable architecture continues to grow and improve, there are still changes that must be made in order for large-scale usage. 

While sustainable architecture may be cheaper in the long term, it’s currently very expensive and inaccessible. This is due to the limited supply and relative novelty of most sustainable solutions. This limitation makes sustainability a difficult practice to maintain in many parts of the world which may need it more direly than others. 

Another issue is the unclarity of how to technically create sustainable architecture. While sustainability clearly refers to something with environmental benefits, sustainable architecture is more vague. There’s no one blueprint or outline for how to create sustainable buildings, making it more difficult for architects to create sustainable designs as compared to the standard practices already present in the field.

One of the simpler, but still prevalent, reasons people choose to stray from sustainable systems is aesthetic preference. Sustainable architecture is closely tied to a minimal and modern look. For many, this is not desirable, especially for homes. It is relatively simple to design sustainable systems to fit an array of preferences, yet it is currently not a widespread practice. For example, while the solar panels most commonly have a black grid design, certain qualities can be redesigned for a more desirable appearance.

There are also many things policy makers, in addition to architects, can do to make sustainability more accessible and widespread. Many of the issues with the current usage of sustainability could simply be fixed with more investment being put into its development. However, there are some specific things that can be done to make our day-to-day lives more sustainable.

Particularly in places with extreme climates, most homes run on fossil fuels for temperature control. Adjusting sustainable solutions to the location is critical, and can make a much more effective change than replacing standard systems like high-efficiency plumbing or HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning). In California, where our biggest climate issues are drought and wildfires, one of the things currently being done in the state is encouragement for more sustainable landscaping without grass. Similar things can be done in different regions, adjusted to fit regions’ unique environments. Cities can set an example by implementing these solutions in public spaces and city buildings.

In this regard, The government is currently working to better our sustainable systems—Biden set the goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52% percent below 2005 levels by 2030, reach 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, achieve net-zero emissions economy by 2050, and deliver 40% of the benefits from federal investments in climate and clean energy to disadvantaged communities. New investments and action plans have brought significant improvement to the industry. One of the biggest issues the government should tackle in the upcoming years is changing American citizens’ mindsets about sustainability through improved and more convenient systems.

Sustainability is a practice that can easily be adopted with some changes to its systematic approach. Its current inaccessibility is the main limitation preventing it from being used much more. The actions policymakers and government officials use for or against it are the biggest factor shaping people’s understanding and use of it. It is integral that they are able to encourage its usage and put the resources into supporting the industry. With these changes, we can make meaningful change in bettering the world that we live in today.


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