Campus News

October Campus News



Parent Teacher Conferences

On Wednesday, November 10th and Friday, November 12, the virtual student-led teacher-parent conferences will be held. Each student will have fifteen minute blocks with up to three teachers.  The conference will start with student-led reflections, followed by teachers comments and concluded with parent questions. Make sure to complete all your missing work before!

Past Events

Spirit Week

On October 25th, students walked into school carrying stuffed animals, wearing plaid pants and dog-printed sweatshirts, carrying stuffed animals, kicking off spirit week. Over the next week, students from all grades participated in games during lunch, from KLS Jeopardy, to Ultimate Frisbee at Eagle Park competing for the highest points. The Juniors and Seniors went head to head, margins below 10 points, they brought their A game to costumes. On Thursday, the school was filled with halloween from Strawberry Shortcake group costume to the Statue of Liberty! To top it off was the pumpkin carving contest and its… creative interpretations (read: Timo’s watermelon). Finally, on Friday, students represented their school colors, seniors wore green, juniors blue, sophomores purple, and freshmen wore light blue. Congrats to the Seniors for their school spirit victory and thank you to the leadership events team and Sophie F. for organizing this incredible week! 


Homecoming. A fun-filled dance after a long awaited homecoming football game, played by the school’s most reputable football team. Except we don't have a football team. Or sports really. Or even homecoming—before last week. 

KLHS’s first homecoming was last Friday and the first dance of the year. Planning it was quite a rocky process; figuring out how to smartly spend the tiny budget of 225 dollars residing in Derek’s pocket required a *lot* of discussion, but the Events Team was able to buy enough decorations and plenty of food…