The Demise of the Student Resources Hub
By Khushi and Zoya K
April 1, 2024
Canvas. A place for class information, upcoming deadlines... but not anything else. Not anything else important - to your average viewer, that is. However, us intrepid journalists aren’t average. And through control+f, they found the hidden secret of Canvas. Leadership’s dirty laundry. The smelly socks in the back of the closet. The moldy cheese in the back of the refrigerator. In short, with courage and determination, we persevered past the pea-soup fog of forgotten courses and stumbled upon... The Student Resources Hub.
At first, we weren’t sure we had left the outdated courses. The site positively reeked of abandonment. The KLS Calendar, dated 2022-23. The Academic and Behavioral Intervention Frameworks, theoretically ‘new and updated’ betrays itself: the footnotes reads “Last updated: [04/11/2022].” The Community Meeting Schedule tells us Sal Khan should have attended the last Community Meeting, and oh, also, Term 2 started in October of 2023. KLS Summer Resources looked promising until: “June - August 2020 on weekends and weekdays.” Even the handbooks were last updated in 2022-23. We would have considered it to be a hopeless endeavor if we hadn’t known Sita regularly checked the suggestion box during Leadership Team meetings.
There were mysteries too. A page called ‘How to use the printer - 2” led us to wonder: what happened to the first one? The Box of Insurmountable Despair taunted us: “ refused to connect.” Well, we’re looking for the Lost-and-Found box, please and thank you. We were excited when we saw Leo and Jason’s names on the schedule, until, “2023-2024 Term 1 Schedule (Final)”. We’re also searching for an accurate birthday list - students who’ve left still remain, encased in a solid wall of negligence.
Last but not least, the Academic Leave and Departure form isn’t accessible... the moral is not deep here, Brandons. While it might not be the best Hub we have, it’s the only one. With TL&C, it might just- oh, who are we kidding. Leadership— just kill the poor thing and make a new one.